Yeah, you know, this, usually podcasts is one form of media that I
usually consume a lot of, but this year, or 2021, it was less than usual.
There's this one podcast called All In Podcast, when you listen to listening to
this, you will either really love it, or you really hate it. Okay, it's one of
the two, there's no middle ground with this podcast. And I actually really like
it. And this podcast is hosted by four really wealthy venture capitalists or
entrepreneurs and so on. And they mostly talk about current affairs, what like,
what's going on and their views and opinions on what's going on? It's a weekly
podcast. And it's, that is one sort of one way I sort of get my news, I think
their, their arguments are pretty balanced. Like, even amongst the four like,
for example, there is one guy who is sort of Republican, others, which are
Democrat, and they are, but their opinions are all, mostly in the center. It's
not to the extreme left or the extreme right. Sometimes, you know, yeah, you
know, you It's hard with any of these stuff, you know, you never agree with all
the opinions of a person, right? I mean, so I do disagree with a bunch of their
opinions and all that. But nevertheless, it's an it's an enjoyable in a world
which is very polarized at this time. I kind of feel that this podcast offers
opinions, which are sort of along the center. So all in podcast, so that's my
that I listened to that. And then there is one podcast I keep going back to,
which is sort of my relaxation podcast, which is the unmade podcast. So I spent
a lot of time listening to that, which is just to friends, general banter and
laughs and have a good time. So, you know, work and hobbies, and even our own
podcast is enough amount of it keeps us busy enough. So when it goes to
podcasts, I didn't want to listen to more serious stuff. So this one keeps it
light. So the all in podcast, unmade FM. And the last thing I want to mention is
the Lex Friedman podcast. So Lex Friedman. He is a prolific writer, I mean, he
puts out like three podcast episodes every week, and each podcast episodes like
two or three hours long. So I don't listen to every single episode of the Lex
Friedman podcast. But every month, I sort of go back and see if there's
something worth listening to, or if there is a guest that I would, that I would
like to listen to. And I sort of go and listen to one or two episodes. And I
think this year, Lex Friedman has had a couple of total bangers. I mean, he's
he, I think couple of guests that he had, he knocked it out of the park with
them. And we'll, I'll give you some links that we can put in the show notes.